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Service Guide

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-06-19
  • View count:830

Description of Archive Access Service

Archives are records produced by government agencies in the course of performing official duties in accordance with the law. They bear witness to every change and progress of the times and are the key information in understanding national development. They also constitute an essential part of the freedom of government information. The Archives Act which has been implemented since January 1, 2002 provides the public with the right to apply for access to archives. To make it convenient for the public or organizations to apply for access to archived information, the Tainan Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice has allowed the public and organizations to apply for access to the Prison’s archives in accordance with the requirements in Article 46 of the Administrative Procedure Act, the Freedom of Government Information Law, Articles 17-21 of the Archives Act, and Chapter 21 of the Manual on Management of Government Agency Archives.

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